Up to 50% off for all Aquaria products through June 15th! To learn more, fill out this form to get in touch with our product expert team.

The Future of Water for Real Estate

Aquaria fundamentally changes how and where developers can build by making water from air on site.

Currently developing the first community in the world of 1,000 homes solely reliant on atmospheric water generator technology in Hawaii.


Lower price for land with water access vs. without

No Limits

Break free from aging water infrastructure and municipal development restrictions

  • Flexible installation
  • Off grid water systems
  • Modular design
  • Self-sustaining supply
  • On-site water access
  • Peace of mind

Rethinking Home Development

Aquaria's Atmospheric Water Generators can seamlessly integrate with plumbing systems via an external storage tank. Our patented Hydropack technology transforms land previously deemed undevelopable due to scarce or nonexistent water infrastructure into viable sites. By overcoming development constraints linked to water scarcity, Aquaria unlocks a novel, uncontested supply of water out of the air.

  • Connect to renewable energy - such as solar - for full off grid water solution
  • Water security no matter what
  • Cost effective alternative to wells and reverse osmosis systems

Water where you need, when you need it

FAQs for Developers

Does an atmospheric water generator support a full home?

Yes! Our Hydropack and Hydropack X are designed to support a full home water need. Our product experts will work with you to assess how many machines would be needed to ensure you meet your water from air needs for your future development.

What's the installation procedure for the atmospheric water generators?

It is suggested to have an atmospheric water generator for each home rather than have a centralized water system. Each atmospheric water generator requires a standard concrete pad, 200 – 240 V single phase electrical connection to your power source of choice, and basic plumbing most commonly to a holding tank. If interested in a solar water generator for an off grid water system, our product experts will work with you to come up with the best solution.

How does the water from air machine connect with the home?

Hook up the atmospheirc water generator with any other supplementary water infrastructure such as well, rainwater catchment, or any other system you have configured.

What is the quality of water coming from Aquaria's atmospheric water generators?

Our atmospheric water generators solely makes water from air that exceeds WHO and EPA standards. This allows you to use our water from air both as drinking water and for general use – such as laundry and showers – to ensure all water needs are met.